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Big Picture Learning presents

This page contains all of the Zoom links you'll need to navigate Big Bang 2021! For a more full description of the sessions below, please visit our comprehensive agenda.


If you'd like to add these sessions to your calendar, please access the Google and iCalendar versions of the agenda (complete with session descriptions and Zoom links).


6-7:30 PM ET
Opening Reception

Agenda items as well as start and end times are subject to change.

Sunday, July 24

Day One

7-8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM Pick Me Up


Advisory is at the heart of Big Picture schools and thus, it's at the heart of our conference. You'll form a close relationship with between 10-20 attendees, who may come to be folks you return to for advice once you've returned home.

Radical Reset Sessions
You can't truly call yourself student-centered unless you center students. At Big Bang, student voice isn't only welcome, it's revered. Many of our sessions are led by students and ALL of our sessions lean into deep, inclusionary practices.

Monday, July 25

Day Two

7-8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM Pick Me Up

Leaving to Learn
In Big Picture schools, we know as much can be learned outside of the walls of the school as can be learned inside them. Which is why a core element of Big Bang is Leaving to Learn in our host community. 

That Something Special
Whether it was a rain-soaked balloon fight, a Marching Band Parade through Atlanta, or Second Line Parade through the Big Easy, there's always something memorable and unexpected at Big Bang. This year, we're cranking up the speakers for an evening celebration with Illtown Sluggaz, featuring KayGee and VinRock of Naughty By Nature.


Tuesday, July 26

Day Three

8 AM
Pick Me Up
Alum & Advisor Awards

This year we're pleased to welcome Christopher Emdin, author of Ratchetdemic and co-founder of HipHopEd. Dr. Emdin joins a long list of inspirational keynotes past, including Ava DuVernay, Sir Ken Robinson, Wendell Pierce, DeRay Mckesson, Dr. Mona Hannah-Attisha, Sonya Renee Taylor, and more!

11 AM Closing Advisory
12 PM Kick Out


We know you've not seen your BPL friends, nor made new ones, in quite some time. We plan to build plenty of unscheduled time into this years Big Bang, allowing for you all to truly reset and reunion.


Wednesday, July 27

Day Four

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